Sunday, 9 March 2014

Only 2 Kinds Of Innovation Matter

You’ve got to innovate.
Be innovative!
Embrace innovation!
You hear it all the time, but what does it really mean?
Too many companies get sucked into innovation religion—it makes them latch on to the latest trend or nearest “solution” being hawked.
The word itself is problematic, because it implies a bias for something new. But the vast majority of new ideas are bad ideas. And many old ideas are still around because they’re still good—and they haven’t been bettered.

Slavishly Marching To The Innovation Drum Is Dumb

It’s far better to focus like a laser beam on just two kinds of innovation:
1) innovation that makes a process more human-compatible, and
2) innovation that produces more outcome with less work.
The poster children for these two kinds of innovation are Apple and Google:

1. Apple Makes Experiences More Human-Compatible

Apple’s narrow definition of innovation has served the company well. Essentially, Apple looks for activities that very large numbers of people are already doing, but where the user experience is awful.
Apple started with the PC. The original Macintosh was an attempt at creating a personal computer, minus dozens of major annoyances. Instead of a command-line interface, for example, it had a graphical interface. It’s a cliché to call computers like the Mac “easy to use,” but it’s more accurate to say that they weren’t as hard to use. The command-line interface forced the user to think abstractly and memorize commands and operators. The graphical interface showed you folders and trashcans, and you could just drag and drop files in a way that made sense.
After Steve Jobs’ triumphant return, the company re-organized itself around a tiny number of products, culminating with the release of the iPod in late 2001. It’s hard to remember now, but listening to music with a mobile device back then involved either physical media — like a CD. Or primitive MP3 players with annoying file management. The iPod made it all super intuitive.
Six years later, Apple transformed the smartphone experience with the iPhone, making mainstream the multi-touch user interface, then later the App Store with all its power and convenience (not to mention its monetization potential).
The iPad made tablets popular, precisely because it was super intuitive to use and didn’t require any hard work from the user.
And all the while, Apple was making MacBooks and iMacs easier and more intuitive.
On the industrial-design side, Jony Ive’s team obsesses over how to make hardware “touchable” and approachable, focusing on materials and human curiosity. For example, many Macs over the years had handles less for actual carrying, and more to signal to the user that it could be carried. This makes the objects more psychologically appealing.
Apple’s legendary success is built entirely upon a very specific kind of innovation: Making bad user experiences good by making them more compatible with the human mind. That’s just another way to say that Apple innovations make the device work harder so the user doesn’t.

2. Google Makes Things More Efficient

Unlike Apple, Google pursues another kind of innovation: Efficiency.
If you dig deep and look at the company’s core competency, it’s creating computer code that radically reduces the number of people required to do something, or shortens the time it takes for one person to do it.
The company is obsessed with shaving micro-seconds off the time it takes to get search results. And the sorting algorithms—now including personalized results—are ultimately about shaving seconds or even minutes off of finding the result you were looking for.
The company has very little tech support. It’s one of the world’s biggest advertising companies, yet has a largely automated, do-it-yourself model. It’s working on a car that doesn’t need a human driver. And it’s purchased eight robot companies in the past few months, all designed to replace people with machines.
Innovation that uses fewer humans to accomplish a task is a powerful form of progress. Don’t think of it as needing fewer people: Think of it as doing more with the same people and reducing bloat, information overload, and inertia.

The Bottom Line

It’s no surprise that I’ve already written about how Apple and Google rule their industries, and how Apple and Google became the world’s best brands. Two of our most innovative companies succeed because they reject innovation just for the sake of innovation.
Instead, they focus all their energies on boosting human compatibility or driving radical efficiency. Because these are the only kinds of innovation that matter.


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