4 Tips For Coming Up With Brilliant Ideas Under Pressure
Depending on which calendar you look at, every day or month is a celebration of something. March is apparently National Ideas Month.People have ideas all the time. Someone looked at shoelaces, and thought “Hey, what if we wrapped the tips of the shoelace in a plastic sheath to keep the ends from fraying? We’ll call it an aglet!” Someone else had an idea to take a piece of metal and bend it around in a swirly pattern to hold sheets of paper together. Voila! The paperclip.
I had an idea just now. I think it would be awesome to have ice cream for lunch. OK, so maybe some ideas are better than others—but they’re all ideas.
The real challenge, though, is coming up with a good idea when it counts. How can you find that spark of creativity when the pressure is on?
Michael Levin, a New York Times best-selling author and writing coach, has an idea. Levin preaches that creativity is a muscle. You have to use it or lose it, and the more you use it, the better shape it will be in when you really need it.
“I define creativity as ‘the ability to develop great ideas while under pressure,’ ” he says. “Pressure creates diamonds, so why shouldn’t it also create great ideas?”
Fair enough. But, that is also easier said than done for most people. I have all kinds of ideas for topics to write about when I need them least, and yet sometimes have difficulty coming up with topics when I need them most.
Levin explains, “Over time, I’ve developed several tricks to stimulate my creative muscle and help me come up with great ideas for whatever challenge I face—whether it’s writing or figuring out how to arrange a busy family weekend schedule so that everyone’s needs are met.”
Levin shared his four no-fail tips for generating creative ideas under pressure:
1. Ask yourself, “What’s the most dangerous, expensive and illegal way to solve this problem?”
We usually take the same approach to solving problems every time with the resources we have at hand. “This doesn’t exactly translate into breathtaking creativity,” Levin says. So imagine that you have no limits — legal, moral, financial, whatever. You can do literally anything to solve the problem. The way-out ideas you develop may not be practical, but they’ll lead you to new ways of thinking about your problem. And then you can find a non-life-threatening, legal way to solve it!2. Hide.
We live in a world of constant, thin-sliced demands. Unanswered texts and emails. People waiting for you to say something, do something, read something, decide something. Run and hide. Lock yourself in your car or hunker down in a bathroom stall. Slow down and get your brain back.It’s all but impossible for your creative brain to operate when you’re responding to endless external stimuli. The best ideas often come when you run from your responsibilities.
3. Count to 20.
Go somewhere where you can be undisturbed, bring a yellow pad and a pen, turn off your phone, and sit there until you come up with 20 ideas for solving your problem. This requires discipline, because most of us are so happy when we have one answer to a problem that we want to move to the next agenda item. Not every idea you invent will be a great one, but that’s okay. It may be idea number 17 that’s truly brilliant, but you’d never get there if you ran back to your desk after you came up with one, two or even five ideas. If you do this daily, you’ll develop 100 new ideas a week. Imagine how strong your idea muscle will be!4. Give up.
Cardiologists recommend to heart patients that they visit nature, go to a museum, or attend a classical concert. Why? It slows them down and allows them to appreciate beauty instead of seeing life as a constant battle. Surrender your own siege mentality. Life isn’t war, thank goodness. Take a major step away, even for a couple of hours, from whatever battles you’re facing, contemplate the greatness of the human spirit or the wonder of nature, and reawaken the creative energy that our fight-minded world suppresses.These are good tips to keep in mind next time you’re under pressure to come up with a brilliant idea. I also find that it’s valuable for me, personally, to keep a journal where I write down all of the ideas that occur to me when I don’t need them. That way, I have something to refer back to when the pressure is on.
Levin’s tips work for any ideas, but if you happen to be a writer you can also learn more from Levin on his “Books Are My Babies” YouTube channel. He offers free resources and video tutorials for writers.
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